Photographing Babies Underwater
I recently completed a shoot with the Quackers Swim School photographing families underwater. It was great fun, as you’ll be able to see if you watch the shoot video below.
However, my real interest is in photographing babies because they exhibit the most remarkable response to being underwater. The best description I’ve found of the behaviour is by Anthony Smith from his publication, The Human Body.
”A reflex that seems so unlikely that for years no one was aware of its existence. A baby suddenly immersed in water will seal off its lungs and begin to paddle and kick. The mouth may be open, but the epiglottis (cartilage and tissue which covers the larynx during swallowing, preventing food ‘going down the wrong way’) diverts water away from the lungs. The urge to breathe is suppressed and immersed babies appear content in their watery environment. This ‘diving reflex’ disappears after six months or so, just when babies start to breathe through their mouth. Once this is gone, immersion in water does not come so naturally. But for our first six months, even before we can crawl, many of us are more comfortable underwater than we will ever be again”
I’ve not had the chance to photograph many babies so far, but I’ve captured a few displaying this remarkable behaviour, as you can see below. However, I’ll be working with Quackers baby classes throughout 2022, so I’m hoping to get lots more opportunities fingers X’d.